Apricot Systems was founded in March 2014.

We represent Armsoft's accounting and trading software in Georgian market.

Founded in 1987, ArmSoft is the oldest private company in Armenia. Armsoft is the absolute leader in accounting, banking and trading software market in Armenia. Its’ systems are being used by more than 10000 companies.

The company has 30 years experience in the market, deep knowledge of the best technologies of the field and how to implement them into its systems. And, probably the most important, clear understanding that even the best systems can be of little use to customers if they don’t come along with excellent support.

Along with the best accounting systems we inherited Armsoft’s idea and experience of providing excellent customer support. We know accounting is not easy. And to really help you with your work, we have a professional team working for you. This means people who not only can advise you how to use your AS systems best, but who also have deep knowledge in accounting, taxes, reporting and who follow all the legislative changes to inform you in time and to keep your system up to date.

Our contacts

Tel.: + 995 32 2430082

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